Reading is HarD

Mock Campaign

The challenge was to create a VR experience and campaign to educate the public on how dyslexia can impact someone's life. Research shows that human brains were not designed to be able to read. When we first learn to read, we bring together multiple systems in our brain that are designed to do other things such as speaking, seeing, and hearing. When we do this, we are literally redesigning our brains and how they function. When you understand the complexity behind reading, it makes sense how for some people this process can be difficult. This campaign educates communities on the physiology behind reading to showcase that yes, reading is hard but it is not an obstacle in learning.

Using virtual reality, we created a book that did not require reading. When opened, the user is greeted by a QR code and a foldable VR headset for their phone. Scanning the QR code takes the individual into a VR experience that tells the story of a student struggling with dyslexia. Along the way, we travel through the student’s brain to dive deep into the process behind reading. Whats revealed is that dyslexia poses some obstacles in intaking information but it actually strengthens other areas of the brain that aid in big-picture thinking and creativity.

This book would be available to experience in libraries and bookstores accross the nation and for free on bookstore websites.

Promotion for this campaign would exist on all platforms that resonate with younger audiences such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter.

In summary, the mission for this campaign was to promote how dyslexia impacts an individual's life. By showing the physiological impacts of the brain, we are showcasing the complicated process of reading. The campaign also reveals how the experience with dyslexia can cause someone to doubt their own intelligence. This experience along with the ads in the campaign, serve to educate the public on how dyslexia is not an obstacle in learning but rather allows people to think differently.


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